Tuesday 11 March 2014

Double page spread research

         I used web 2.0 to research some double page spreads. I firstly looked at how the eye would follow a double page spread and also looked at the conventions of it. 
         I noticed that most had a bold title that was either a phrase or the artist's name, however some deviated  away from this norm. Also most double page spreads only had one image and if they had more there was a main image that was big and the other that was smaller and more discrete.  The images also related back to the artist.

         The text that is used is very small in size and had a simple font; it also only worked in horizontal columns and there was not more than three on 1 side of the double page spread.  If there were questions that were being asked it was either in a different colour or in bold. If there was a statement it was either in a different size, font or colour. Another point to add is that all double page spreads had a page number.

                  I also watched some interviews by Ashanti and Aaliyah on youtube that I thought would inspire me to                                write an artist interview.



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