Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Aftermath

In the video I asked my participants to construct a magazine cove in a way they would want to see it their age range was between 16-18 years.
There were various images text and fonts to choose from ; I asked them to do this activity to see how my audience would want to see their magazine and this will give me an idea of how to construct and design my own.

Here is the final piece they designed. 

My Focus Group

In my focus group is Shari (a media student) and Nicola (a non-media student) who will be looking at some music magazines and giving their thoughts and opinions.

After we finished with the focus group I asked Shari and Nicola to construct a magazine cover using fonts and images that appealed to them.

Research Questions and what I found

Question 8. 

Order the following in preference 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.

This tells me what to include on my front page and what not to include and, what my audience likes to see on the front cover and what they expect.

Research Questions and what I found

Question 7.

What is the maximum amount you would spend on a music magazine of your choice?
More than 50% of people said they wouldn't pay more than £3.00 for a music magazine this will influence how many pages I will have in my magazine, how I price it and: whether or not to include ‘freebees’.

Research Questions and what I found

Question 6.

What features do you like to read about in music magazines?
From this question I can see what I will include in my double page spread and the features and teasers that will appear on my front page.

Research Questions and what I found

Question 5

In relation to your favorite genre of music, who are your favorite artists?

From this question I can see what my target audience’s favorite artists are from this I have an idea of how to present my artist.

Jay z
Kendrick Lamar
J. Cole
Miley Cyrus

Research Questions and what I found

Question 4

 What magazine are you most likely to read?                                                                 
From this I can see that most people tend to go for Q and Vibe this shows how I should structure my magazine and to research into these magazines further to find a similar style and content.

Research Questions and what I found

Question 3.

How often do you read a music magazine ? 
From my results I can see that 11/20 people buy music magazines monthly- So I will do a monthly issue; this tells me how much content to involve. Although, 7/20 don’t buy magazines weekly this is telling me that there is a gap in the market and I may be able to fill it. 

Research Questions and what I found

Question 2. 

What is your favorite genre(s) of music?
The people who took part in my survey circled more than 1 genre of music which suggests they like a hybrid of music, so some aspects of my magazine will also include other features. 
This will also tell me which direction my magazine genre will be aiming it.

Research Questions and what I found

Question 1.

My target audience.
My target audience ranged from 16-24 years. I asked 20 people to take part in my survey, 10 were male and 10 were female. The age range of my target audience will help me to decide the level of maturity to put into my magazine.


Here is my evidence of my questionnaire and the different genres and ages that people have answered.

On the left is the opposite of what I want my magazine to be and on the right is the genre that I want my target audience to be.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Questionnaire Rationale

      1. What age group do you have access to?

     Because the secondary school is connected to the sixth form I will have access to 11-19 year olds. I also plan to do research on older people (20-24); this is so that I have a wider knowledge of what my target audience would like to see on the front on a music magazine. My target audience will depend on the results collected from the questioners.

       2. What types of research will you conduct and why?

     First I will conduct a questionnaire to get a general idea of what type of music genre people like and, the target age I will be aiming at. I will also include a preference list as this will tell me how to structure my magazine and what and what not to include. My questionnaire 2will be on paper and I will explain the questions further once I post the results. I will post the results as quantitative data.
    The next step for me is to do a focus group in the focus group I will ask more open and extended questions. I plan to do an activity which will involve the participants to choose fonts, images etc.. layout the masthead, coverlines etc.. How they would like to see it. This will also give me a better idea of how to layout my magazine, shots to use and what ‘style’ to go for.

       3. What resources will you need?
     Resources I will be using are: a video camera to record my findings from the focus group. I will also use different style and genre music magazine covers, contents pages and double-paged spreads for my research questions. And lastly, cut outs of fonts, different sized shots, barcodes, that are different sizes and, images (for the activity). 

Friday 17 January 2014

Where to go from here?

Similarities and Differences

The main image is very bold and stands out, almost captures you and draws you in. The difference between the two are the shots the medium close up. The medium close up allows the reader to gain a perspective of the artist and their personality, style, etc.
Both Mastheads are big and bold, although it doesn't say much about the genre of music inside of the magazine.
Q magazine has a more intense angle of gaze as the shot is close up and straight whereas, NME’s Artist is slightly tilted so you can’t really see her eyes clearly.
 The Artist’s name are the biggest bits of text on the page which the reader is able to see from afar and is the fairest thing that catches the eye.
The Colour schemes of both magazines is mainly white with only a bit of extra colour added in i.e. The quote line of NME.
Both magazines have slogans.
Q magazine has a graphic unlike NME, although the graphic is the only other bit of text with a colour scheme.

music magazine cover analysis

Monday 13 January 2014

Hi. My name is Dawn Gallant. I am a student currently studying AS Media. On my blog I will be posting my work and media related content. The brief I will be working towards is my magazine cover, contents page and a two page spread, I will posting the steps I take to make my magazine.

Throughout this time I will be posting research into different music genres and artists.